Tuesday, October 1, 2019

How to establish respectful, professional relationships with children Essay

3.1.1 Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children. It is essential that teachers establish positive relationships with all children. You can establish respectful professional relationships with children and young people by doing the following: Give children the opportunity to put forward their ideas and provide children with opportunities to express themselves in their own time and using their own words – give children thinking time and talking partner’s time. Give children your full attention when listening to them; this can be achieved through body language, facial expression, speech and gesture. Listening to children is key to establishing a positive relationship; it is essential that teachers listen to children and then respond appropriately, these skills can be modelled to children through speaking and listening. 3.1.2 Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child stage of development. Children like to think they are grown up so they will tend to push the boundaries, they maybe talking to you about school or their friends and slip in a naughty word, when you ask ‘where did you hear that word from’ they will say ‘i heard it from ( say ) another adult’. When you are communicating with children and young people you need to communicate with them at their ‘age related’ stage of development, because children develop at different stages some might be more advanced than others, children with ‘special needs’ will need more help from other professionals who will assess their stage of development and areas that will need focus on. Foundation stage and key stage 1 Children of all ages and stages will have varying levels of attention span, the younger children will need more reassurance than the older children, especially when they first start school. These children are very young so they will be developing their communication and language skills. When you are addressing them you need to come down to their level otherwise they could get frightened if you are standing over them while trying to communicate with them. You have to make sure you have their full undivided attention when communicating with them as their attention span is very limited and they tire very quickly with them being so young, you could also ask them to repeat back the conversation you have had with them so you know whether they understand what you have spoken about, you will also get an idea of what level of an understanding they are at. Key stage 2 When the children go into key stage 2 they have already started to mature especially the way they communicate with each other and their teachers, they will have a level of understanding and will be more considerate of the needs of others especially with children with ‘special needs’ they tend to protect them alot more and interact with them and help to keep them on the right path. You will at some point still have to remind them not to interrupt when others are talking but this could be due to immaturity. Key stage 3 and 4 Now the children are older they will know how to communicate effectively with other people. Teenagers will start to feel more self conscious especially if they have to do a speech in front of other peers and may show signs of embarrassment, they will often need plenty of time to prepare themselves both mentally and physically this will in turn help them to steady their nerves and also help them to grow in confidence. 3.2.2 Describe the main differences between communication with adults and  communicating with children. When we are communicating with adults it is important to address them by their preferred title this in turn is showing respect, for example ; With adults you are communicating with you can use more complex language, whereas with children you have to keep it clear and to the point so they understand what you are talking about, it is important for them to feel comfortable with you, especially since you are going to be working closely with them in the classroom, you have to show them; That you are a caring individual, Respect their wishes in the setting, Communicate politely and courteously, Give them all the support they need, Listen to their views, Ask questions on a need to know basis, Always try to handle disagreements with adults in a way that will maintain a positive relationship, This will make it easier to work in a team and therefore less likely to cause friction in the setting, this will also make you a good role model for children aswell as the adults When your in a discussion with an adult it is fair to say everyone will have different views, some adults expect you to have the same views as themselves, your not always going to agree on matters, as long as you show mutual respect and be professional the best way to get over this is to communicate effectively and respect each others views, as long as you are able to support other adults then you are on the right path, when the compromise has been met you can for example ; Show you’re approachable Demonstrate positive behaviour Give support as and when it is required Demonstrate your listening skills Show commitment Show respect Don’t gossip about work colleagues Respond politely.

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