Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analyzing the opinion piece (Chicago's Tolerance for Murder Annotated Assignment

Analyzing the opinion piece (Chicago's Tolerance for Murder Annotated by the Tribune's John McCormick) - Assignment Example The main goal of the writer is the urge to shake the law enforcing authorities, who have failed to provide security for Chicagoans. He wants the authorities to come up with effective solutions and he wants people of Chicago city to keep their nerves under control, as the aggressive attitude and the rage shown by the normal public, can only add to the already embarrassing scenario. The author very professionally has cultivated his thoughts and fears regarding the current scenario in Chicago city. He has focused on enlightening the reader about the growing homicidal crime rate in Chicago and the negative effects it has imposed on the general public. This article revolves around the critical issue of homicidal killings, the fearless roaming of criminals and gangsters; and the class issues prevailing in Chicago. He may get criticized for pointing fingers on law enforcing agencies and the government, who have proved to be incapable to control crimes rate, as no one wants to bring embarrassment home. Critical analysis can easily be made for any such article which involves the incapability of the authorities. But after reading this article, one would feel that not just the agencies but the public also is responsible for the current embarrassing scenario. Crimes and murders happen everywhere, but what is important is to keep one’s nerves under control and not let them become a part of it. It will convince an individual on how to abide by our own civil duties, in order to enjoy rightful liberties. Also, it throws light on the class and color issues still prevailing in Chicago city and inclines an individual to assess his/her individual attitude and behavior, for improving the overall social environment of Chicago and United

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Information Systems in Business Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Information Systems in Business - Coursework Example Other data such a s population and demographic data that is important for forecasting can be sourced from government institutions and agencies (Paul, 2001). (ii) Data warehousing for Wal- mart will enhance decision making in the company with regards to inventory management, price control and sales monitoring. The data warehouse will provide data on a real time basis that will effectively aide in quick decision making on supply chain management and customer relationship management (Paul, 2001). Data mining which involves extraction and acquisition of data from the relevant sources to be stored in the data warehouse enables the company; to have up to date and real time data from all its retail stores. This allows real time analysis of the data and facilitates decision making that is appropriate for each store based on the data available (Paul, 2001). (iii) ECM applications are basically provides formalized techniques by which an organization can store and its documents, contents records and other content that is related to business processes and transactions. It entails strategies, tools and methods that used throughout (John, 2013). Hierarchical model where data is structured in a hierarchical manner following a sort of sequence exhibiting a tree structure. There is a root that has branches emanating from it. Network data base model that exhibits a many to many relationship. Items in this model can connect to any item in the database creating a network. Most databases that are used on the Mini and Micro computers are normally based on either hierarchical or network database model. Relational database model has data organized in two dimensional tables with rows and columns populated with related data. Most of the Database software packages available on microcomputers (PCs) are of relational model (Graham & David, 2008). Other database structure models used include the multimedia database that

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Properties of Carbon Dioxide Vapour

Properties of Carbon Dioxide Vapour Greenhouse gases in global warming The greenhouse effect is necessary for Earth to regulate its temperature. Water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) methane (CH4), nitrous dioxide (N2O) and ozone (O3) are some of the gases that contribute to it. These gases are molecules that are made up of more than 2 component atoms. They vibrate upon absorbing thermal infrared radiation and then re-radiate excess energy in all directions. As the Earths surface is now heated by both the emitted radiation and sunlight, temperature increases and thus causing the greenhouse effect. Common Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Gas Atmospheric Absorption Region on Electromagnetic ( µm) Water vapour (H2O) 95 7600 ppmv 0.8 -10 Carbon dioxide (CO2) 3.618 401 ppmv 2.6, 4, >13 Methane (CH4) 0.360 1780 ppbv 3.5 8 Nitrous oxide (N2O) 0.95 320 ppbv 5, 8 Ozone (O3) 0.072 28 ppbv 0.1-0.3, 9 As shown in the table above, water vapour (H2O) contributes the most to the greenhouse effectWhen temperature increases, air humidity increases as well which is positive water vapour feedback. This allows a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere thus further enhancing the warming effect of other greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) contributes quite a fair amount to the greenhouse effect. Thanks to human activities like deforestation, land use changes and burning of fossil fuel, the atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased by about 120ppm since the Industrial Revolution began, which is more than a third. With an absorption region of 3.5-8 microns on the electromagnetic spectrum, methane (CH4) is way more active than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Its greenhouse effect contribution is small due to its low atmospheric concentration. Being in a similar absorption spectrum as H2Oalso masks methanes contribution as work might have been done by H2O already. Nitrous oxide(N2O) is typically formed through production of nitric acid, combustion of fossil fuel, agriculture sector and burning of . Even though N2O has a low atmospheric concentration, it still contributes a decent amount to the greenhouse effect. This is because it is up to about 300 times stronger as a greenhouse gas than CO2. As ozone (O3) has various concentration at different parts of the atmosphere and has a short lifespan, it is hard to gauge the contribution of the troposphere ozone layer. Ozone generally does not affect much of the greenhouse effect anyway. Lewis Structures of CO and CO2 Carbon Monoxide a) Rotational Constant, B Taking largest B = 2.04 and smallest B = 1.51 , b) Bond Length, b Reduced mass of carbon monoxide: Since literature value for bond length, b = 113pm lies within the range of , and the uncertainty of calculated bond length value is insignificant compared to the calculated value itself, the calculated value can be said to be quite accurate. c) Vibrational Wavenumber, Distance of first through in P branch from 2050 cm-1= (5.45  ± 0.05) cm Distance of first through in R branch from 2050 cm-1= (5.72  ± 0.05) cm Taking smallest = 2135 and largest = 2143, d) Force Constant, k e) Molar Zero-Point Vibrational Energy, Carbon Dioxide Rotational Constant, Taking smallest = 0.302 cm-1 and largest = 0.46 cm-1, Since literature value for = 0.390 lies within the range of , and the uncertainty of calculated bond length value is insignificant compared to the calculated value itself, the calculated value can be said to be quite accurate. Vibrational Modes CO2 is a linear molecule with 3 atoms. Therefore, it has 3 translational modes, 2 rotational modes, and 3N-5 = 4 vibration modes: 1 symmetric stretch, 1 asymmetric stretch and 2 bending modes. The mode at 667 cm-1 is said to be twofold degenerate because the 2 bending motions are essentially the same, just deforming in different coordinate directions. Exclusion Rule: no modes can be both infrared and Raman active for a molecule with a centre of symmetry. CO2 has a centre of symmetry therefore relevant to the rule. For infrared spectroscopy, the 2 bending and the asymmetric stretching modes can be observed. This is because these modes induce a dipole change in their motions. For Raman spectroscopy, symmetric bending can be seen. This is because when the O atoms move away from the centre C atom in an equal distance, the electron density cloud changes with the change in size of molecule, thus causing a change in polarizability. Bond Length, b Force Constant, k Since literature value for lies within the range of (119.6 ±12.5)pm, and the uncertainty of calculated bond length value is insignificant compared to the calculated value itself, the calculated value can be said to be quite accurate. For symmetric stretch, k CO2 2. Heat Capacity Molar constant-volume heat capacity For CO2: Translational modes, : , Vibrational modes, : , Rotational mode, : Total internal energy, At very high temperatures, the theoretical maximum internal energy = as all modes are activated at that point. Max. constant-volume heat capacity, However, at low temperatures not all rotational and vibrational modes are active. Contributions of different modes at low temperatures: Rotational Modes Rotational temperature, Vibrational Modes Vibrational temperature, Symmetric stretch () : Bending modes () : Asymmetric stretch () : Graph of against T Convert molar constant-volume heat capacity to molar constant-pressure heat capacity with Ideal Gas Law: , (R = ideal gas constant) The graph for experimental and calculated data is the same until around T=1600K where the 2 lines diverge with the experimental data to be higher than calculated data. This shows that the Ideal Gas Law only applies to relatively low temperatures.      Ã‚   Kinetic Theory of Gases and Liquids Mean free path of CO2 Mean free path: average distance travelled by molecules between collisions Rate of collision , : Collision cross-section (area covered by a molecule and within which the presence if the centre of another molecule counts as a collision) Collisions happen at 90o angles on average, mean speed = à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   [8]. Viscosity of CO2 vapour Newtons Law of Viscosity: Newtons 2nd Law: Force = rate of change of momentum From plane at 0 from plane : mean flow velocity = à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   mean momentum of Roughly1/6th of the molecules move in the +z direction. Number of molecules entering 0 from per unit time = à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   rate of momentum = Rate of momentum entering 0 from = . By calculating the difference between the two rates, net rate of the momentum transported across the plane at 0, and by using , the viscosity, can be estimated. [8] (mean velocity), (path length) Viscosity is predicted to be proportional to the square root of temperature and independent of density. Liquefaction in a condenser [9] Modify the Ideal Gas Law to obtain Van der Waals Equation of State. References:[1] (accessed 14th March 2017] [2] Greenhouse Gas Absorption Spectrum (n.d.) available from: (accessed 14th March 2017) [3] Barrett Bellamy Climate Greenhouse Gas Concentrations (n.d.) available from: (accessed 15th March 2017) [4] Monte Hieb (2015) Water Vapor Rules the Greenhouse System. Available from: [5] Project Learn at at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) (accessed 15/3/2017) [6] Barrett Bellamy Climate Greenhouse Gas Spectra (n.d.) available from: (accessed 15/3/2017) [7] NIST Standard Reference Database 101 (September 2015) Listing of experimental data for CO2 (Carbon dioxide) Available from: [Accessed 10 Mar 2016] [8] Dr Joao Cabral (n.d.) Properties of Matter Lecture Notes. Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London [9] Steve [2010] The Freezing Point and The Dew Point Part 2 available from:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Launching a Successful Digital Mobile Business Essay -- Apps for Busin

Introduction Since I was a child the idea of being a business owner has been a dream of mine. I never knew the requirements of starting, running or growing a business; however, I knew I needed to design a product to sell. In the 6th grade I approached my parents and told them when I grow up I want to own a business. I vividly remember my Father laughing while my Mother smiled and told me that it took a lot of work, time and experience to own and run a business. I decided to do some research, getting on the family computer I found out that a popular way to develop a business was to learn computer programming and write software. Years later, I worked in the Information Technology field after high school and saved up money to continue my education at State University. Majoring in Business with the Information Technology Concentration, I will gain the skills to work in a business environment but will still need to educate myself in order to found my own startup business. Taking Care of the Basics There are many markets, ideas and problems that have to be considered while brainstorming startup ideas. In fact there is such an abundance of aspects; one will undoubtedly feel overwhelmed from time to time. To avoid excessive frustration, it is a great idea to break up the development process into many different sections and complete each task in order. This paper will follow the path in which one should take in the development of their startup. The first task of a business is to decide on a product or service to develop. As stated above, there are many markets that can be considered in developing said product or service; however, I have chosen to stick to the market that is constantly growing and evolving on a day to d... ...portunity. Works Cited Ready, K. (2011). Startup: An insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business. New York: Apress. Louise. (2012, April 11). Different Types of Apps for Business. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from Whiteling, I., & Welstead, S. (2010). Start Your Own Business 2010: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide / edited by Ian Whiteling & Steph Welstead. 3rd ed. Richmond: Crimson. Lee, M. (2012) Business Plans Handbook (Vol. 22) : Michigan: Cengage Learning. McKeever, M. (2007). How to Write a Business Plan. 8th ed. Berkeley: Nolo, 2002 Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (2012). Start a Business. Retrieved from Dooley, J. (2011). Software Development and Professional Practice. New York: Apress.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Communication Problems in the Philippines Essay

Introduction English has been one of the main languages used here in the Philippines for a long time now, since the American Regime. Although Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, Biko and Waray are the main local languages, while Filipino is the indigenous national language, English remains an important official language (Platt, Weber, Lian 20). It is mainly used in education and â€Å"reigns supreme in the econo-technical area (Platt, Weber, Lian 21).† This is the reason why we Filipinos are very familiar with the language. But we also have our own problems with it due to that fact that everyone learns the language at a different rate and environment. Thus, we mainly have mistakes when speaking it. This study strives to recognize the common problems we encounter when speaking in English or hearing someone else speak in English, the different attitudes towards the variety of the said language, our consciousness of the language errors we make, and what we do to improve our education of the language. A. Statement of the Problem The researcher aims to identify the common problems of Filipinos with the English language, and what actions the people involved can take to correct these faults. B. Significance of the Study It is well known that many Filipinos are fluent in English. But  unfortunately, our knowledge in English is depreciating, due to different ways of acquiring the language. As a result, our English, even though it is still widespread, is not of a high quality than it used to be. Majority of fluent English speakers come from the upper to middle classes, but still not all of them learn it the right way. The lower classes on the other hand, very seldom encounter English. Because of these varying acquisitions of the language, language problems arise, affecting essential everyday conversations in school, business, etc. C. Scope and Delimitation The study focuses on the youth from an age bracket of 16-21 years old, preferably college students studying within the vicinity of Metro Manila. Aside from giving out survey questionnaires, the researcher has made participative observations of her friends. Language attitudes and problems have been researched to set the pace of the study. CHAPTER II Theoretical Framework A. Review of Related Literature i. A Summary of Common Language Problems We Filipinos often come across diverse versions of English. These distinctions may be considered as the downside of our versions of English. Hence we deem these as a communication problem that has to be solved somehow. In the book, The New Englishes, Platt, Weber and Lian summarize the trends new varieties of English may have: a. Accents The typical Filipino displays a certain accent when speaking in English, which tells us something about the person. An accent may indicate the  speaker’s social class, what region he or she came from, or what country he or she came from (Platt, Weber, Lian 30). Here are the common tendencies regarding accent: (1) a tendency to shorten vowel sounds; (2) a lack of distinction between long and short vowel sounds; (3) a tendency to replace central vowels by either front or back vowels; (4) a tendency to shorten diphthongs and to leave out the second sound element in a diphthong;(37) (5) replacement of the fricatives [ ] and [] by other sounds, usually [d] and [t] on their own or followed by sight friction; (6) a tendency to make no distinction between certain voiced and voiceless consonants; (7) a tendency to reduce the aspiration of consonants at the beginning of words; (8) a tendency not to release consonants at the end of words. (43) In all language varieties, speakers vary considerably in their pronunciation. But not only are these differences confined to their being in different groups, but to the individual himself. Thus, we sometimes have difficulty understanding each other whenever we encounter pronunciations of words that are unlike the standardized way. b. Nouns Problems with nouns are very common. They may be very simple to understand and learn but still, a lot of people are having a hard time following English grammar rules. The following are tendencies concerning nouns: (1) a tendency not to mark nouns for plural; (2) a tendency to use a specific/non-specific system for nouns rather than a definite/indefinite system, or to use the two systems side by side; (3) a tendency to change the form of quantifiers; (4) a tendency not to make a distinction between the third person pronouns he and she; (5) a tendency to change the word order within the noun phrase. (65) c. Actions, states and perceptions In relation to the use of tenses, the authors went over the following tendencies: (1) a tendency not to mark the verb for third person singular in its present tense form; (2) a tendency not to mark verbs for the past tense. This tendency is stronger when verbs are used non-punctually; (3) a tendency to use an aspect system rather than a tense system or to use both systems side by side; (4) a tendency to extend the use of be + verb + ing constructions to stative verbs; (5) the formation of different phrasal and prepositional verb constructions. d. New ways of stating ideas A language’s progress involves creation new words or new meanings for existing words (Platt, Weber, Lian 87). The certain tendencies that the authors enumerated are as follows: (1) a tendency to imply rather than explicitly state subject and object pronouns which can be understood from the context; (2) a tendency to use pronoun copying; (3) a tendency to use adverbs such as ‘already,’ ‘only,’ ‘even’ in sentence final positions; (4) a tendency not to invert in WH-questions and YES/NO questions; (5) a tendency to use invariant question tags. (130-31) These common English language problems can often be noticed here in the Philippines. But another language problem or variation that we have is the use of â€Å"Taglish,† a mixture of our local official language and English. This is frequently used during informal conversations but getting accustomed to this style is becoming common, which may cause complications in certain situations. ii. Attitude Towards the English Language The main attitude towards English here in the Philippines is that fluent speakers of it are considered elite or at least well educated. Mastery of the English language is important because it is generally â€Å"required for access to better jobs and opportunities (Goodman and Graddol 200).† But it is rarely equally available, thus social inequality arises. â€Å"Language is one of the primary defining qualities of man, both individual and collectively. It surrounds us, molding our ways of thinking and feeling, from the infant’s cry to the obituary notice. People deprived of language in some way, be they deaf, dumb, illiterate, or inarticulate, are essentially handicapped (Hughes 1).† The dominant groups of citizens in a society whose patterns of language are marketed, usually advance in the social race (Ryan and Giles 1). Thus  learning the language is believed as a very important part of our education due to the idea of globalization. B. Hypothesis The youth today is submissive to the English language’s degeneration here in the Philippines. All around us, speakers of the English language can be observed. The youth, as much as possible, tries to avoid using the language unless they are required to do so in school functions. The ones who use the language frequently are influenced into not using it to adapt to the common environment that they are in. C. Definition of Terms The following is a list of terms that will be used in this study: Attitude – A way of regarding life and events. English – The main language that is spoken in Britain, the USA, and other countries. Language – A communication system to express thoughts and emotions by symbols, sounds, etc. Mistake – An error identified through the standard set of rules of the English language. Problem – Anything that is difficult to deal with or understand. Variety – Different forms. Youth – A group of individuals within the age group of 16-21 years old. CHAPTER III Methodology The researcher wanted to find out if the youth today is submissive to the English language’s degeneration here in the Philippines. In line with this, the researcher conducted a sample survey of thirty people, wherein questions about the respondents’ backgrounds of and attitudes toward the English language were inquired about. The results were then brought together, tabulated, and analyzed. The researcher also observed her friends, who had different social backgrounds, as to how they perceive English as an effective communication tool. These observations were taken down and thus, have influenced one way or another, the outcome of the study. A. Research Design This study focused on the use of the Descriptive Method of research. The descriptive method is a general procedure employed in studies that have their chief purpose of description of phenomena. The description and survey of the youth’s consciousness of English communication problems were therefore the primary task of this study. B. Sample Questionnaire Sample Questionnaire Dear Respondent, I am conducting a research entitled, â€Å"English Communication Problems in the Philippines and the Consciousness of Today’s Youth† as a partial requirement for the course, English 100. It is in this connection that I seek your assistance in answering the  following questions as completely and honestly as possible. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and its use will only be intended for this particular study. From the researcher’s experiences hanging out with friends her age, she was able to examine her friends’ actions and reactions when their mistakes were corrected. If the people were really close to each other, grammar errors are often taken notice of and corrected in the process. But if the friends are not as close, or have a shallow relationship, they tend to overlook each other’s mistakes. The researcher herself was hesitant to correct her org-mates whenever she encountered common grammar and pronunciation mistakes, for they might be embarrassed. But when speaking with a friend of more than five years, the two help each other out to improve their English. Other people, when informally asked if they tried to correct others’ mistakes, say that it depends on their relationship with the person/s involved. Next, they were asked how often they used English and in what environments do they use it. D. Statistical Analysis 1. Educational Background Government-funded Schools Private Schools 47% 53% 2. Frequency of use of English 1 2 3 4 10% 57% 27% 7% 3. Environments where they are most obliged to speak English At home In  school At the mall With friends In English classes 10% 33% 3% 17% 37% 4. Respondents’ awareness of their mistakes Yes Most of the time Sometimes No 23% 10% 30% 37 5. Frequency of mistakes 1 2 3 4 3% 33% 50% 13% 6. Do the people around them correct them? Yes Most of the time Sometimes No 13% 17% 47% 23% 7. Personal reaction to the correction Embarrassed Insulted Accept it Ignore it 67% 7% 23% 3% 8. Awareness of other people’s mistakes 1 2 3 4 10% 10% 33% 47% 9. Do they correct other people? Yes Most of the time Sometimes No 10% 27% 50% 13% 10. The people’s reaction to the correction Embarrassed Insulted Accept it Ignore it 63% 3% 33% 0% 11. Actions taken to improve their English 33% use it as much as possible 7% take classes in English 3% read grammar books 23% read literary books 33% nothing E. Analysis The respondents were asked about their educational background, whether they came from public or private schools, because the trend today is that private schools offer better education, especially in English due to the fact that they have bigger budgets, and thus, better teachers. Also, the students who go to private schools are usually from the middle to upper classes. These social groups are often more exposed to the English language, because of their family’s good education background. In the sample survey, more than half of the respondents answered that they came from private schools. This gives rise to the assumption that most of the respondents have a satisfactory learning of the English language. 57% answered â€Å"2† for frequency of use on a scale of 1 to 4, 4 being the highest. 37% said they normally use English only in English classes. This shows that English is not mainly used anymore, unless people are obliged to do so. 30% of the respondents said that they are sometimes aware of their mistakes and 37% answered â€Å"3† for frequency of mistakes on a scale of 1 to 4, 4 being the highest. When asked if they were corrected, 47% answered â€Å"sometimes† and 67% were embarrassed when the corrections were made. People are hesitant in correcting other people mainly because they are afraid that they may embarrass the people involved. Then they were asked how often were they aware of other people’s mistakes. A majority of 47% answered â€Å"4† on a scale of 1 to 4, 4 being the highest. But a majority of 50% answered â€Å"sometimes† to the question of whether they correct others or not. Even if people rarely correct each other, they still listen for mistakes. Their only objective here is to see if others make mistakes, but not to improve others’ English. They only use the information they get to label the person or to somehow just describe and create an impression of the person. The reason for this is shown by the next question about other people’s reactions. 63% were embarrassed and only 33% accept their mistakes. People give more importance to the feelings of others, rather than helping others enhance their knowledge of the English language. Finally, the respondents were asked about what actions do they take to improve their English. 33% said that they use it as much as possible, but another 33% said that they do nothing about it. This shows how passive the youth to day is when it comes to English development. They take it for granted and leave everything else to the school that they go to, refusing to expand their learning environment. CHAPTER IV Conclusion Young people today are submissive to the deterioration of the quality of the English language here in the Philippines. They depend on educational institutions to fix the problem, and are passive when constructive criticisms are raised. This problem mainly starts at home. If Filipinos don’t use it at home, they don’t use it in school either, unless the teachers tell them to do so. And when the teachers are not fully proficient, all else fails. Thus, as people grow older, the chance for improvement becomes smaller, and the kind of English that they have known all their lives is what they take to the professional world. English should be used as early as possible because it is very important especially in career building. Most jobs today require applicants to be fluent in English. Globalization is really the root of this need for English, which some people say, is a bad thing. But no one can fight globalization, so we Filipinos might as well compete in it. We have an advantage, having been colonized by English speakers who taught us the language, making it a permanent part of our educational system. But the deterioration of our fluency in English should be solved immediately so that the long-term effects of it won’t be as significant. Through constant use of the language, better educational programs, and increased awareness and activity in improving one’s own English, our nation’s future with the language may just live on. BIBLIOGRAPHY Goodman, Sharon and David Graddol, ed. Redesigning English. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. Hughes, Geoffrey. Words in Time: A Social History of the English Vocabulary. Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1988. Keany, Bryan and Bill Lucas. Looking at Language. Great Britain: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1994. Platt, John, Heidi Weber and Ho Mian Lian. The New Englishes. London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul plc, 1984. Ryan, Ellen Bouchard and Howard Giles. Attitudes Towards Language Variation. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., 1982.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Drama coursework Essay

The two pieces I have chosen to compare are; ‘Twelfth Night’, written by Shakespeare and another piece ‘Complications’, devised by my group about confusion. I recognise that ‘Twelfth Night’ being such an old play has been presented and performed in various ways and I am focusing on just one film and play therefore some of the information may be irrelevant to some particular portrayals of the play. The pieces show similar story lines however being set in to very different eras they also show some vast differences. Our modern version of the piece was set in the 21st century; and ‘Twelfth Night’ was set in the 16th century (Shakespearean times). This already implies that both plays will show very different views and perceptions to the characters, their personalities and approaches, also they may show different reactions to situations. Both pieces are about two siblings and confusion of them and who they are. In ‘Twelfth Night’ both characters knew of their existence however at that time did not recognise each other and did not know who they were, however in our piece both characters although knowing each other did not know of their relationship with one another (being twins). ‘Twelfth Night’ forced the ‘sister’, Viola to dress up as a man in order to get a job to seek her brother however, in the modern version, sexism is not an issue now as they are both girls and they are both accepted for their diverse characters. Nowadays parents in a relationship both parents are often of the same status and importance, for example: job recognition, how they are treated by society; something that was not common in the past. In focus of culture, ‘Twelfth Night’ portrays Viola and Sebastian of having alike behaviour, this could be due to the fact that they were brought up together in the same circumstances however the behaviour of the two sisters in our play are completely opposite. One character is quiet and does not argue back whereas the other sister argues and is very feisty. The characters in our play ‘confusion’ are also brought up with different types of parents; one set of parents quiet and calm towards each other, the other a single mother in a ‘high flying’ job. This contrasts with ‘Twelfth Night’ as there women could not get a job and this mother has a great busy job, continuously dressed in suits. Even now; business people are still stereotypically thought of as being men however it has evolved considerably in the last 20 years. In our play there is the role of ‘the other women’ whom the father went off with when the original mother and father split up. This would be frowned upon in the 16th century as they are expected to put up with any grief or misery they encounter, not saying that all of them were unhappy; however now in the 21st century it is seen as acceptable and people believe that nobody should be treated differently and have more priority in a relationship and it is about both people regardless of their sex. People in the 16th century were expected to live with their husbands and act under and listen to whatever they said however now times have developed and changed considerably; women are much more independent; even though most society portrays a certain perspective there are always the odd character, in ‘Twelfth Night’ Olivia shows great independence and has the confidence to live her life alone however as society views women differently and inferior she felt the need to dress up as a man in order to get a job; and in ‘complications’ the ‘other woman’ shown is not as independent as the original mother. ‘Twelfth Night’ is a comedy, some characters more comical than others as with any drama; however our play ‘Complications’ although some comical events occur the drama is more of a serious nature, it was a play that showed the change of two young girls; when they found out that their parents had lied to them and there was more to them than what they were presented, for example the existence of their other twin and mother and father. In the plays there were some unrealistic scenarios given for example; if you saw your sister that you had spent your whole childhood with, dressed up as a boy you would be able to tell; as in ‘Twelfth Night’ and it is not very likely that your divorced parents would meet up and the father would not notice the same house when approaching it. Although not always realistic both story lines are effective and do have other meanings throughout them and still keep us gripped to the situation happening. Costumes in both plays are not similar but do reflect the times they were devised in. ‘Twelfth Night’ has costumes such as tights and long socks for men, something that you would not see in modern times and tight dresses for the women, finished with a big hairstyle and occasionally a hat; although this is seen now the dresses would not curve in as much at the waist nowadays. Mostly the people are dressed similarly to their stereotypical characters, following traditions of men in shirts and trousers, the butlers dressed in suits; similarly to modern times; maids dressed in petticoats, hair in a bun, and slightly ‘tatty’ clothing. In ‘Complications’ the children both dress according to their personal interests; this meaning one dressing in black, ‘punk’ clothing, the other in simple clothing without a particular ‘statement’ which is common in modern children. The mother; a high flying business woman, clothed in posh suits and her mobile phone an accessory to her outfit; the other mother and father mostly stick to jeans and smart clothing as well. That is another difference; in the 16th century a women would not be seen in trousers, a very common item of clothing nowadays. It is seen that the clothing worn by the characters also reflect their statuses and personalities. The themes in both plays are that two siblings are split up and at the end unite together; this is identical in both pieces. They also both use butlers of similar characteristics, although the sister whom the butler works for in ‘Complications’ is rather unpleasant to the butler, the well behaved, polite twin sister is very kind to him; similar to in ‘Twelfth Night’ in which Olivia and her butler get along however many of the other characters have a problem with him. In conclusion one could say that both drama performances have similarities and differences but it is what makes them both individual pieces, they also show different aspects of life and show different events very effectively. For example; ‘Twelfth Night’ shows many comical events as when Malvolio gets taken into a mental institute after being tricked by the other characters, and in ‘Complications’ when the twin living with the ‘step-mother’ confronts her, it is a very emotional scene but it is one that could happen in real life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Wal-Mart Super Center Discount Stores Are Taking Over In Small Town, America

Wal-Mart Super Center Discount Stores are Taking Over in Small Town, America Are Wal-Mart Discount Stores good for small communities, or are the so-called Wal-Mart â€Å"Super Centers† really just proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing? Wal-Mart stores may claim to help small-town consumers by selling goods for less money because they supposedly help us save money to use for other things. Wal-Mart stocks their shelves with a high volume of goods on a continuous basis and it seems like they always have what a consumer is looking for, even groceries and food, in the case of the Super Centers, which combine a discount grocery store with a discount store to form a combination â€Å"Super Center.† Aren’t Wal-Marts really just taking away from â€Å"Mom and Pop† shops and your local grocery, hardware, and general stores by making discount stores so readily available to customers in a convenient venue, like the all-encompassing, one-stop discount store that Wal-Mart has become? There is really another side to this story. Wal-M art may not be what it seems. It may hurt us more than help us in the end: With gross annual sales of over $67 billion per year and more than 50,000 stores in America alone, Wal-Mart is one of the biggest corporations and chain of discount stores in the United Sates. Wal-Mart opens a new store once every two weeks in small communities and large urban cities across the United States, however, are these stores truly benefiting these communities or are they really wrecking havoc (Norman 63)? I decided to look at the fine print when it comes to Wal-Mart’s aggressive ad campaigns and luring tactics to attract customers from other stores, including grocery stores, hardware stores, and five and dime general stores. This is especially true in towns of under 30,000 people, like in a town called Pittsburg, Kansas in southeast Kansas, which is a college town and houses two Wal-Marts. I have been to the Wal-Mart... Free Essays on Wal-Mart Super Center Discount Stores Are Taking Over In Small Town, America Free Essays on Wal-Mart Super Center Discount Stores Are Taking Over In Small Town, America Wal-Mart Super Center Discount Stores are Taking Over in Small Town, America Are Wal-Mart Discount Stores good for small communities, or are the so-called Wal-Mart â€Å"Super Centers† really just proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing? Wal-Mart stores may claim to help small-town consumers by selling goods for less money because they supposedly help us save money to use for other things. Wal-Mart stocks their shelves with a high volume of goods on a continuous basis and it seems like they always have what a consumer is looking for, even groceries and food, in the case of the Super Centers, which combine a discount grocery store with a discount store to form a combination â€Å"Super Center.† Aren’t Wal-Marts really just taking away from â€Å"Mom and Pop† shops and your local grocery, hardware, and general stores by making discount stores so readily available to customers in a convenient venue, like the all-encompassing, one-stop discount store that Wal-Mart has become? There is really another side to this story. Wal-M art may not be what it seems. It may hurt us more than help us in the end: With gross annual sales of over $67 billion per year and more than 50,000 stores in America alone, Wal-Mart is one of the biggest corporations and chain of discount stores in the United Sates. Wal-Mart opens a new store once every two weeks in small communities and large urban cities across the United States, however, are these stores truly benefiting these communities or are they really wrecking havoc (Norman 63)? I decided to look at the fine print when it comes to Wal-Mart’s aggressive ad campaigns and luring tactics to attract customers from other stores, including grocery stores, hardware stores, and five and dime general stores. This is especially true in towns of under 30,000 people, like in a town called Pittsburg, Kansas in southeast Kansas, which is a college town and houses two Wal-Marts. I have been to the Wal-Mart...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Non-Toxic Colored Smoke Bombs

Non-Toxic Colored Smoke Bombs You may have read that the YouTube colored smoke bomb video is believed to have been faked, with the video showing a military smoke bomb, masked with duct tape, rather than the smoke bomb made using the recipe. I think that probably is true, but it doesnt invalidate the recipe for the colored smoke bomb (though I have heard recommendations that you avoid adding baking soda Im looking into that). Colored smoke bombs arent new. The other recipes I have listed date back as far as 1936. A colored smoke bomb is a normal smoke bomb, with dispersed dye. The trick is to release the dye into the air, rather than simply burn it.I get a lot of questions about the safety of smoke bombs. Is it safe to use your cookware for food after making a smoke bomb? Is the smoke bomb non-toxic? Is the smoke from the smoke bomb non-toxic?The classic smoke bomb recipe is very safe. The ingredients are sugar and saltpeter. I think we can agree that sugar is non-toxic. If you read the MSDS for saltpeter (potass ium nitrate), youll see eating it will cause you to throw up, and like other nitrates, it can be converted to nitrites, so its not good for kids to eat, but its not a poison. You shouldnt taste the smoke bomb, much less eat it, but if you do, its unlikely you would fall over dead (do call Poison Control). If you wash your cookware after making a smoke bomb, it will be safe for cooking. I should note: you can ruin your pan with this recipe. If youve made candy (badly), you know burnt sugar and pans dont go well together. Smoke particles arent great for your respiratory system. The smoke from the smoke bomb is no more or less safe than smoke from a campfire. Actually, the campfire smoke is worse, but it gives you a sort of safety benchmark.Moving on to the colored smoke bomb... I wouldnt eat the organic dye, nor would I intentionally breathe it. The MSDS of the particular dye you choose will give you details, and you should read the MSDS. Id make something like this in the lab, not my kitchen. The smoke is for show, not for inhalation. Its on par with the safety of most chemistry demonstrations. Its safe if you know what youre doing and use precautions, bu t not something the average person will want to make.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Act II of The Crucible

As your surname, your name, the teacher's name, the court arrested his wife, the confrontation between the Procter and the authority is also increasing, the second act English III days. He disliked the court and it is impossible for them to come to their house and bring his wife to prison. In order to help readers understand the situation of Salem at the beginning of the second act, Kinsera explained Salem is in a hysterical situation (1267). Kinsella was right, the town came to not wake up at Betty at first, Abigail Williams helped nearly everyone make a wizard at Salem, and getting up there led to a successful Proctors eventually succeeding. In the second act of Chou act, I found that Abigail Williams condemned the magic of Elizabeth Proctor. Did Abigail finally avenge John and denied that he does not love her? He was angry when the Proctor heard the news, and Elizabeth wanted Abigail to replace her after she was hanged, and John knew it was true. Abigail Williams said that Elizabe th had already sent her spirit and stabbed her belly with a needle. John Proctor believes that Abigail tried to revenge his wife to throw her away, and John Proctor swore he would do her best to prove that she is innocent. John Procter said: I will fall like the sea in that field! Do not be afraid of Elizabeth. From now on we can deduce that Proctor will do his utmost to save his wife I will. Please acknowledge his innocence. John confirms that the court knows this and wishes to use it to say that Abigail is doing this for his own purpose. In Abigail of Krugersburg's Krugers Act 1 there is a complicated story about the explanation and the event of Salem Witch trial in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The first acts of Kruger's law reveal a case that led to magical accusations and increased superstition in the Puritan community. Krugers reveals the attractive and malign character of Abigail Williams. This is a clever, unguessed scammster who has extraordinary self-defense characteristic s at the first glance of impossible possibilities. The Crucible by The Crucible Arthur Miller is based on Salem Witch Trials in 1693. In the first act, the audience knew that John Proctor was plagued by Abigail Williams who was dancing in the forest, and she still had feelings for him. When John denied their love, Abigail began to condemn people with magic. The second act is when we met the Elizabeth Proctor as we were arrested by magic. In the third act, John went to court to try to release his wife and others, but he was accused of being mixed with the devil with little luck.

Friday, October 18, 2019

On-line gaming is a time waster Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On-line gaming is a time waster - Research Paper Example Online gaming refers to the games that are played over the internet. It has become a popular and successful source of entertainment for people of all ages but it is more popular among the school or college going students. All you need is a computer with an internet connection. It has the ability to link players together from any part of the world. Because of this, almost everybody is into it. Its implausible characteristics make a lot of students become addictive to it. It does not only provide entertainment, but also gives a chance to socialize with anyone, present anywhere in the world. Online gaming has created a huge problem of time wastage in the world. With the growing trends of these games and the introduction of latest graphics and innovations, these games attract more and more people, especially children, towards them. Computer gaming has become an industry. Many big companies are eager to invest in it. This leads to the developing of new versions of the already existing games as well as the development of brand new games. Parents are found complaining about the falling grades of their children as they spend majority of their time in front of a computer, playing games for many hours in a row, eyes fixed on the screens, so involved in their games that they forget about everything else around them. They forget to eat, they forget to take proper sleep, and are least interested about their homework or studies. All they care about is gaining expertise in the game they play so that they could become the next online gaming champion.

Animal Rights in Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words

Animal Rights in Islam - Research Paper Example Animals should not be exploited under any circumstances1. Whether animals can talk or whether they can reason cannot be a matter of consideration, because animals have equal capacity like human beings to feel pain, sorrow, love, frustration, fear and pleasure. As human beings, people have the moral obligation to think twice before engaging in any sort of activities that will damage the environment and basic needs of animals2. People who support the rights of animals believe that animals have worth that is inherent and it is completely separate from their usefulness and service to human beings. They believe that every living being on earth has the will to live and so should be given rights and freedom to live life on their own terms that is devoid of pain and suffering3. Animal rights is not only a subject for philosophy, it is a moral issue that challenges the traditional belief of the society that animals are born on this planet only to serve human kind in various manner. Ingrid New kirk who is the founder of PETA (People for the ethical treatment of animals) said that â€Å"When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness, and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. Each one values his or her life and fights the knife.† Human beings because of their own prejudices refuse to believe that other living beings have equal rights and so do not hesitate to eat the meat of animals4. Human beings have the tendency to show respect and love to animals according to their own convenience and moral thinking. While in some cases they show moral support to certain animals, at other times they turn blind eye to the cruelty and suffering inflicted on animals. For example, people demonstrate anger when they hear about â€Å"puppy mills†, because they feel that dogs are not given proper treatment by the operators of such places.

Personal Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Reflection Paper - Essay Example Life is more valuable than mountain climbing expedition. Therefore, leaving sadhu to die for the sake of accomplishing corporate goals is against the moral standards of the society. Moreover, human beings ought to learn to promote feelings for each other to be able to offer a helping hand in similar circumstances instead of letting our ambitions make us selfish. The parable of sadhu has revealed a lot about the character of the corporate. Firstly, the parable reveals how corporate members of society are self-centered, irresponsible and selfish. They refute the qualities that constitute a person who ought to share life with the rest as stated in your lecture. Secondly, it also shows how corporate members are ungrateful to the society that defines their existence. The mountain climbers such as McCoy have had great time learning about the cultural practices of the native people. When they find one of the natives on the verge of death on higher, frozen slopes of Himalayas, they pass responsibility, leaving the old sadhu to fight for his own life1. The parable also reveals irresponsibility of the corporate members to the society. Each corporate member views such individuals as sadhu as burden and cannot take initiative to care for them. The corporate values material things in place of moral values. The climbers emphasized that they indeed helped the sadhu with clothes and food and, therefore, did enough as far as helping a stranger is concerned2. They argued that Sadhu was a stranger and according to them, they did enough that they could. Firstly, I would revive the role of corporate to the society. The corporate has evaded their duties owed to the society in which they thrive. They exploit the society yet they do very little at sustaining it for the future. I would restore the responsibility that the corporate owe to the society. I would, according to the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Somali Profile in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Somali Profile in UK - Essay Example The paper also analysis the unemployment issue of the Somalis and the causes of the unemployment in London. The map below shows the location of Somalia in the African continent. Somalis in the UK, Migration and History Trends The Somali migrated to UK due to civic problems in Somalia. Somalia has had many problems since the ousting of formal government in 1991. Most of the Somali natives have escaped the worn-torn country to various destination including Kenya, Ethiopia and UK. The Somalis started their migration to England in notable figures in the early 1990s and formed the biggest group of refugees in the land then (Griffiths 2004, p25). The Somalis who fled to UK are a mixture of various clans most of whom are Muslims. Some of the Somalis migrated to Diaspora to join others who were living there (Werbner 2002, p126). Previous researches indicate that the Somali population has been in UK since the early 1980s (Grifiths 2002, p20). Most of the Somalis living in England are found in London. The number of Somalis living in London is approximately 70,000 people while the large proportion of them is found in Tower Hamlets. These are approximately 13,000 people (IOM 2006, p5). The map below shows the distribution of the community in UK. ... Some of the barriers causing the unemployment of the Somali people in London include invalid pre-migration qualifications and improper or inappropriate contacts in the land in addition to loss of significant skills due to the migrations. The unemployment problem is enhanced by the fact that most of Somalis prefer similar job to those they held in Somalia. Only a few of them about 15% have the required skills and training to acquire jobs in London. In 2006, more than 70% of the Somali living in London were jobless (Adfam 2009, p20). Lack of employment opportunities has led to desperation among many Somali people. They have in turn resulted to chewing khat as a means of passing time (Baafuo-Awuah 2005, p20). This has been a major problem and has been blamed for rising in crime and impotence among the males (James 2006, p44). Men 35years and above Women 35 years and above Young people 35 years and below With Jobs 900 400 450 Jobless 1100 2800 2350 Total 2000 3200 2800 Source:Adfam2009,p 20 Discrimination and racial issues Part of the unemployment problem of the Somalis in London is based on the issue of education. This is because compared to other ethnic groups in London in issues such as levels of wages and retaining of jobs, the Somalis perform worst. The issue of unemployment thus cannot be justified based on discrimination of black minority groups Harris 2006, p54). The Somalis are discriminated on the first impression created by nomadic settlers that they are poorly educated. Most of the women are poorly educated while the only educated people are the young individuals who have been able to enroll in the UK education system (Harris 2006,

Ethical Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Ethical Argument - Essay Example Even so, Pope (530) warns against embracing such social change without understanding what is at stake. Despite the results of the opinion poll, only a handful of the American states allow the marriage between couples of the same sex with others reversing their earlier stand supporting the union. This could be an indication of the fact that this form of union goes against certain expected standard social norms. Therefore, same-sex marriage is socially deviant and should not be legalized. Civil marriage refers to a legal contract or social unions between two persons with the government, through its officials, performing, recording and recognizing it (Corvino and Gallagher 11). Marriage accords the couples exclusive rights and benefits. However, same-sex marriage brings forth a myriad of symbolic, religious and constitutional questions that has caused a continuous intense debate on the legalization of same-sex marriage (Pope 530). Gertsmann cites the Marriage Act 1961 which was amended in 2004 that defines marriage as the union between a man and woman and excludes all the others (15). This excludes same-sex marriage from being considered as marriage, a fact that has caused same-sex activists to push for change for their recognition in law. The case against same-sex marriage revolves around religious, moral and health concerns. By prohibiting homosexuality, a majority of religions, by extension, prohibit same-sex marriage. A majority of Christians argue that same-sex marriage is immoral and goes against the will of God and the reason of procreation that saw Him put man and woman together (Pope 533). In fact, Christians quote God talking of such a union as detestable in the Old Testament. Islam also prohibits same-sex marriage noting that the reason why Sodom was destroyed was because of such sins. Similarly, Hindus oppose same-sex marriage noting that for every soul, there exists another soul mate of the opposite sex. Since sex may

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cybersecurity Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cybersecurity - Coursework Example The paper throws light on cyberspace, a mine field for seekers of information. With every interaction with websites, there would be an increasing demand for personal information. Such have been used by malicious persons for their own gains. Air travel has been hard hit by cyber crime and cyber-security in airports has been a challenge with each passing day. The internet has been used for various purposes which include gathering, storage, processing and transfer of vast data amounts, which include sensitive and proprietary personal, transactional and business data. Organizations have heavily depended on computer systems for day-to-day businesses. Even as this capability has been relied more and more by various individuals and organizations, the internet has been plagued by threats of cyber-security. The information available in the internet has been used to create threats to operations of businesses and individuals. These threats evolve with the expansion of the internet and the risks that come with it continue to grow globally. The United States of America remain to be the hardest hit by cybercrime according to the report on internet crime by Bureau of Justice Assistance. There is a wide range of cyber attacks. Insider threats form the core perpetrators in computer crimes. According to Vatis, â€Å"insiders do not need a great deal of knowledge about computer intrusions† as they posses adequate knowledge on the systems which they attack which allows them to have unrestricted access â€Å"to damage the system or to steal system data†. ... ge about computer intrusions† as they posses adequate knowledge on the systems which they attack which allows them to have unrestricted access â€Å"to damage the system or to steal system data† (2002, p.3). Criminal groups have also increasingly used cyber intrusions for monetary gains. Vatis gives an example of such a group referred to as ‘Phonemasters’ who were indicted for stealing and accessing federal interest computer and being in possession of access devices for which they were unauthorized. Virus writers also pose a great threat to security in IT. Viruses propagate quickly because of the high speed networks currently available. Anti-virus software available and being careful with attachments would go a long way in curtailing such epidemics. Other cyber attacks emanate from terrorists, hackers and information warfare. Vatis defines cyber attacks as â€Å"computer-to-computer attacks carried out to steal, erase, or alter information or to destroy or impede the functionality of the target computer system† (2002, p.10). These could be categorized into three, namely; unauthorized intrusions where the attacker uses hacking techniques to break into a computer or unauthorized access by an insider to accomplish unauthorized tasks in the network; destructive worms or viruses spread through computers using forms of data exchange such as emails causing some parts of the network to lose functionality; and denial of service attacks where a computer would be overloaded with communication thus hampering its functionality. Due to the ever increasing critical business partners connected to customers and partners on the internet, many organizations have been left exposed to cyber attacks. There is no guarantee that malicious acts or intrusions would not happen. But aviation

Ethical Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Ethical Argument - Essay Example Even so, Pope (530) warns against embracing such social change without understanding what is at stake. Despite the results of the opinion poll, only a handful of the American states allow the marriage between couples of the same sex with others reversing their earlier stand supporting the union. This could be an indication of the fact that this form of union goes against certain expected standard social norms. Therefore, same-sex marriage is socially deviant and should not be legalized. Civil marriage refers to a legal contract or social unions between two persons with the government, through its officials, performing, recording and recognizing it (Corvino and Gallagher 11). Marriage accords the couples exclusive rights and benefits. However, same-sex marriage brings forth a myriad of symbolic, religious and constitutional questions that has caused a continuous intense debate on the legalization of same-sex marriage (Pope 530). Gertsmann cites the Marriage Act 1961 which was amended in 2004 that defines marriage as the union between a man and woman and excludes all the others (15). This excludes same-sex marriage from being considered as marriage, a fact that has caused same-sex activists to push for change for their recognition in law. The case against same-sex marriage revolves around religious, moral and health concerns. By prohibiting homosexuality, a majority of religions, by extension, prohibit same-sex marriage. A majority of Christians argue that same-sex marriage is immoral and goes against the will of God and the reason of procreation that saw Him put man and woman together (Pope 533). In fact, Christians quote God talking of such a union as detestable in the Old Testament. Islam also prohibits same-sex marriage noting that the reason why Sodom was destroyed was because of such sins. Similarly, Hindus oppose same-sex marriage noting that for every soul, there exists another soul mate of the opposite sex. Since sex may

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Current issue in government contract Essay Example for Free

Current issue in government contract Essay The issue is focus on the financial aspect in the company operations. The law is so strict enough in the budget allocated for any accounts which are voluntary. Below is the issue accordingly; auditing the companys accounts on a voluntarily basis: â€Å"A request from the Secretary General of the Department of Finance to audit, the annual accounts of Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd. I agreed to audit the companys accounts on a voluntary basis pending the enactment of legislation to put the company and its operations on a statutory footing. The audit, which was completed in June 2001, covered a period from the date it commenced operations on December 10, 1999 to the end of the year 2000. Almost ? 2 million was allocated from the Department of the Taoiseachs Vote to meet the costs of the company in the initial period. The committee will see from the accounts that something around ? 560,000 of that went to fitting out the offices which were rented in Blanchard town, ? 400,000 went to pay for executive services for the last four months of the year 2000 and ? 313,000 or so went on consultants fees (Purcell. http://www. irlgov. ie)†. Corporate governance arrangements, tendering for executive services, fee levels for executive services, credit card expenses and the tax status of the company. I can expand on the specific issues during the course of the examination if the committee so wishes. The main activities of the company during the period of the accounts were developing an architectural and environmental scheme for the company, devising the structure of a competition for the provision of the various facilities on the site and latterly organizing a competition for the provision. In my own opinion of the issue, I could rather say, if the provision issue provides the enhancement of the development of the company’s progress then it is so much advice able to adopt the audit more profoundly. Then continuous monitoring of the results of the issue to the point of view of the rest of the people concerned to either it resulted to a positive outcomes or not. If it has positive outcomes then it would be better to enhance such auditing issue just for the good of the company and all the concern as well. Other Issues â€Å" 1.) A persons children or other lineal descendants such as grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it does not mean all heirs, but only the direct bloodline. Occasionally, there is a problem in determining whether a writer of a will or deed meant issue to include descendants beyond his or her immediate children. While a child or children are alive, issue refers only to them, but if they are deceased then it will apply to the next generation unless there is language in the document which shows it specifically does not apply to them. This issues looks unfair to the new generation to which no how on how comes they are a part of the problem for infact they just come in existing. 2) n. any matter of dispute in a legal controversy or lawsuit, very commonly used in such phrases as the legal issues are, the factual issues are, this is an issue which the judge must decide, or please, counsel, let us know what issues you have agreed upon. In these issues, as long as it is following the legalities it has to be abided. The judge is the one to promulgate laws that was agreed upon standards. So if it is in my case I don’t need to argue at all though it hurts to accept facts but facts must prevail. 3) v. to send out, promulgate, publish or make the original distribution, such as a corporation selling and distributing shares of stock to its initial investors. I will rather agree to this statement, this is for the reason of visibility to everybody of what was going on the promulgation. There should be participation to everybody’s concern. 4) n. the shares of stock or bonds of a corporation which have been sold and distributed (â€Å"Issue†. http://legal-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com)†. A Problem in Contracts Assurance contracts are a financial technology that facilitates the private creation of public goods and Club goods in the face of the free rider problem. The free rider problem is that there may be actions that would benefit a large group of people, but once the action is taken, there is no way to exclude those who did not pay for the action from the benefits. This leads to a game theoretic problem: all members of a group might be better off if an action was taken, and the members of the group contributed to the cost of the action, but many members of the group may make the perfectly rational decision to let others pay for it, then reap the benefits for free, possibly with the result that no action is taken. The result of this rational game play is lower utility for everyone. â€Å"Assurance contracts operate as follows: In a binding way, members of a group pledge to contribute to action an at least N-1 other members also make the same pledge. If N members sign the pledge (perhaps by a certain expiration date), the action is taken. If the quorum is not reached, the parties are not bound to carry through the action (â€Å"Assurance Contract†. http://en. wikipedia. org)†. â€Å"The binding mechanism may be a contract enforced by a government, a contract enforced by a private organization (e. g. a mediator, a protection agency in an anarcho-capitalist society, etc. ), an escrow organization (in such cases, the binding contract is signed by depositing funds in advance, which are later either disbursed according to the contract, or refunded), etc. Many economists argued that the central planning and bureaucratic directions are necessary to produce public goods. There is at least some types of public good can be produced privately by profit seeking entrepreneurs. A new and more powerful form of assurance contract and discusses, without making rigorous is called a dominant assurance contract. This was contracts that exhibit on the goods or product. There are two problems involved in the production of public goods, the preference revelation problem and the contribution problem. One focus we have for sure is on the contribution problem, how to get agents voluntarily contribute to providing the public good. This will limit the analysis of good, which naturally comes in lumpy quantities, or goods for which we can deduce into an efficient size. If a bridge or road or light house is to built we can probably estimate the efficient size from the information about preferences and technology (Tabarrok, Alexander. March 6, 1996. http://mason. gmu. edu)†. Under this issue we can include the government contracts which were brought to news for publicly seen. A recent decision by the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has potentially momentous consequences for bankrupt government contractors and their creditors. â€Å"That court, with jurisdiction over the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D. C. , the primary place of business for many government contractors, has held that the debtor/contractor filing for reorganization of the Bankruptcy Code is not automatically entitled to continue performing its federal contracts. Instead, the government can obtain permission from the bankruptcy court to immediately terminate such contracts (Government Contracts. 1999. http://www. hklaw. com)†. This decision may result in contractor being forced into liquidation proceedings, with little remaining for its creditors. In my own opinion it is inhuman to say getting all proceeding of the debtor on which nothing left for her living. This means that, the same saying killing the debtor for not paying all the debts. It’s too much contract not giving any pardon to debtor itself. If I were to judge I have to see to it that I can make adjustment prior to both the company and the debtor. There must be equal distribution. Government Contract Commitment to the client and the promise of innovative solutions is the core of Government Contracts Consultants. Government Contracts Consultants is organized as a small woman-owned, SBA certified HUB Zone company organized to meet the ever-growing needs of business by providing creative information technology, administrative and acquisition management support services and training to government and commercial clients. Our areas of expertise included. â€Å"M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC. (M3) works on behalf of Prime contractors, Subcontractors, and International companies doing business with the U. S. Government. M3 is a highly recognized U. S. Government contract consultant firm comprised of subject matter experts that focus on and comprehend every element of the federal procurement field from business development, writing winning proposals, contract management, contract closeout, and claim resolution. M3 Federal is the only company within the federal procurement field that provides an all encompassing teaming solution for any company willing to get into the federal procurement field or that has been in the federal field and has complex procurement issues to resolve. M3 Federal Contract Practice Group specializes in all areas of government contracting and federal procurement including (â€Å"M3 Federal Contract†. http://www. m3federal. com): †¢ Contract Claims †¢ Preparation †¢ Submittal †¢ Resolution †¢ Audits †¢ Qui Tam Actions †¢ Fraud †¢ Bid Protests †¢ Proposal Development DoD Facility Clearances †¢ DoD Personnel Clearances †¢ Intellectual Property Rights †¢ Export Regulation Compliance †¢ Commercial Contracts †¢ Joint Ventures/Teaming Agreements †¢ Contract Administration †¢ GSA Schedules This are all gives us the background of what covers the entire contract. The overview of this contact will focus on business. Business will be better off if it follows a standard to avail. Conclusion: We have dealt with five issues that differ in many ways. Issues has an act by the Government that goes beyond the terms of a Fixed Price Contract, Cost Type, Cost Plus Award Fee, Research Development Contract, etc. or any contract termination that has a consequential ripple effect upon the entire contract and/or Contractor, impose a substantial risk to the Contractor and require immediate action by the Contractor to ensure no financial denigration to reputation. In the sense of Government contract it is legal and purposely design to make progress not only the company but also the people at large. It is properly impose so that everybody will understand the agreement agreed upon. But in the case of problem issues it is focusing more often to the people who have not agreed to to their previous contract or might be things they fail to do and the other parties tends to claim and will sewed the debtor for example. Also problems sometimes will come out to be in the case of agreement which was not abided. If I will to make sure that agreement should complied I have see to it , that my opponents could make a written not just verbal agreement to whom I can claim even if problem arise. Reference â€Å"Assurance Contract†. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Assurance_contracts â€Å"Issue†. http://legal-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/issue Government Contracts. 1999. http://www. hklaw. com/Publications/newsletters. asp? ID=70)† â€Å"M3 Federal Contract†. http://www. m3federal. com Purcell. http://www. irlgov. ie/committees-02/c-publicaccounts/020321/Page1. htm Tabarrok, Alexander. March 6, 1996. http://mason. gmu. edu/~atabarro/PrivateProvision. pdf Sovereign acts by the Government, such as dictating to the Contractor, orally or through un-priced or unsigned modifications are a manifestation that you are working to defective specifications and/or performing added scope work. If any of the following conditions apply to your contract, you may be experiencing lost funds and may be entitled to additional mo whether or not the end item meets contract requirements. Any change in this methodology, not covered by a modification, is a delay to the contract and in many cases is considered added scope work entitling the Contractor to be monetarily Contractor must be aware that a rejection, not supported by a specific contract citation is improper, and that a Contractor is not obligated to perform the work until a citation is given or a modification is made to the contract.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Information System Implementation Organisation Information Technology Essay

The Information System Implementation Organisation Information Technology Essay One of the most controversial issues which organisations can face is user resistance to changes. Re-organisation is frequently alongside fear and anxiety, because employee would usually encounter the unknown issues. Usually resistance occurs due to some blind spots in approaches as a result of newly introduced ideas. Nowadays, many managers must be involved with new products, new information system, new government rules, growth and industrial and scientific improvements. Therefore, the value of substantial alterations in an organization is inevitable. As a result, many companies or organisations decide that it is good for theirs organization to undertake moderate organisational changes rather than revolutionized changes. So, the management should find ways to help them overcome the users resistance to changes. The failure of many large-scale corporate change programs can be traced directly to employee resistance (H.Bovery and Hede, 2001). The key point to face the problem is to find out the nature causes of resistance accurately. The purpose of the present essay is to demonstrate various types of reasons for resistance to change, and after that analyzing the different ways to choose strategies for implementing an organizational changes attempt to achieve the aim which is what can be done to overcome this resistance? Sources of user resistance: There are many types of causes which would lead to the users resistance to any organizational changes efforts. To identify ways to manage the situation, user resistance to changes created, successfully, it is logical to firstly identify and estimate the attitudes of users in general. To help recognize and estimate the possible reasons for users resistance to changes in an organization, it is wise: To identify type of users who would resist changes, which means if the resistance occurs in individual users or group users. To identify users needs. To identify users attitude and values which they have. To identify users interests. (2) Here, we discuss on some fundamental reasons of resistance to the shifts. Parochial self-interest Users feel they may lose something which can be a value to them, as a result of organizational changes, therefore they resist the shifts. This is generally known as one of the main forms of resistance within the users. Generally users first preference would be to consider their own interests over those which are in favor of the whole organization. In such a case, resistance usually leads into a political behavior. This reaction sometimes occurs through and before organizational changes, this is due to the fact that something may be in the best interests for somebody or some groups and instead that exact thing is not in the best interests of the whole organization.(1) Misunderstanding and lack of trust Sometimes resistance can occure because of lack of trust between the person who governs the change and the employee in the organization who will become the user of the change. In this case users often resist when they do not have a clear understanding of the situation and therefore they may believe that these new implicated alterations might charge them more than they will gain out of these changes. Substantially, in many organization level of trust between employees and managers are low and therefore it is not unexpected for the misunderstanding to exist, when changes are being introduced. In effect in this kind of situations the initiators can manage the situation with clarifying the changes and the gains due to the changes to the employees quickly to eliminate misunderstanding. (1) Different assessments The third fundamental reason that may cause the user to resist organisational change is that people asses the implication and recent condition in a different ways to their initiators or managers. As a result they may think this change may introduce additional charges which can be more than their benefits, not only the immediate charge to themselves but also to their company and organisation as a whole. Managers who set off changes usually guess that, they have all the appropriate information which is necessary to accomplish organisation analysis whereas their assumption may not be correct. In this case the difference in information with regards to the groups involved with may lead to diverse analysis. As a result of this issue many managers think resistance is always bad so they always treat the resistance in a bad way, whereas in a number of cases the analysis of someone who is not initiating the change is more beneficial than the initiators themselves, so in such case the resistance is clearly good for the organisation and company.(1) Low tolerance for change Users also resist the change because they assume they do not have enough ability to develop the necessary skills and behaviour which is required for new implications. As a psychology aspect generally human beings have limited capability to change and the scope of the limits in someone is much lower than the others. This mentioned discussion can go for managers as well. The managers inability to change their behaviour as fast as the organisations needs can lead to inhabit the development of an organisation. In other words, if a manager with inability to change, understand the need for changes in their company, usually they cannot acquit to make a transition as a result of an emotional backlog. All of the previous behaviour occurs due to lack of tolerance for change in personality. Sometimes users understand new situation which emerge because of changes, and they even understand the gains in implementing the changes however they still resist the changes. For instance, new position for an employee in an organisation requires new relationships, new knowledge, and different manners; even though the new position is better than the previous one, many employees still feel uneasy with the whole transition to the new job. Dealing with resistance to change Managers can set up various strategies to overcome users resistance to organisational changes by using the information which can be gathered from analysing the source of their employees resistance. The goal of employing these strategies is to convince the users with the logic behind the change so the user can accept the shift. There are three levels of adaption which are think-feel-do; these types of adaption process present a fine outline which are to be introduced in this stage. (2) Education and communication The very first step that can help the manager to overcome users resistance to change is to educate the employee in the organisation. Communication of ideas about the new situation helps users to understand the logic behind the change. Management can inform users of the benefits of implementing the changes. Often implementation of new information system in an organisation fails because of lack of communication. Since user in many cases assumes that use of the new system is reluctant, top management should provide training which introduce the new system to the users and explain how the new system works and familiarise the users with the other aspects of the new system. For instance in the case of ERP system (enterprise resource planning system is made available support for organisation activities by incorporating set of programs), management should supply awareness for the user that how the ERP system is going to work. For example, management should describe obviouse inputs and outputs of the system and characterize the departments which will supply the data. (2) Participation and involvement Management and initiators of change can usually prevent resistance by involving potential users in some parts of implication of change effort. On the other hand participation resistors has advantage, initiators can use user advice who involves the implication of change. The research found managers have different feeling about participation, first group have a positive perspective and the latter one have negative. Their perspectives lead to different reaction. Some initiators believe that the user should always participate during the change effort, while others have converse idea. Both approaches can create problem in management area. To clarify the effects of the users participation it is wise to illustrate the study which was carried out by Laster Coch and John R.P.French, Jr., in a clothing factory. It is the most systematic study in relation to resistance to the change. The research has been carried out with four different groups who were being paid on an improved piece-rate. Each groups were allocated with different kinds of changes which were implied during work and use different technique to apply them. During the experimental study, researchers considered on all the finding carefully and recorded them to understand what problem creates the resistance to the change. The first group was known as a no-participation method by the researchers. This small group of operators met the staffs in a room where they have described the changes to the operators in details, the reason of the change and explained to the staff that there was a necessity for change in their work. Then, the operators sent back to their work in new situation and with the new techniques. The second group of operators was familiarised with the changes by a participation-through-representation technique. The work change was introduced to third and fourth group by a total-participation method.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Robert Burns :: essays research papers

Robert Burns is a man of the most impassioned temper; with passions not strong only, but noble, and of the sort in which great virtues and great poems take their rise. It is his love towards his country, people, and nature that inspires him. That opens his eyes to its beauty, leading his heart and voice to praise them with his passion. Robert Burns was born January 25, 1759, in a straw-thatched cottage, to William and Agnes Burns. His mother had a great store of folklore songs and ballads, and his father tried at all costs to surround his children with good reading and conversation. At the age of seven, his father moved the family to Mt.Otiphant from Alloway. In 1773, at the age of only 15, Robert composed his first song, Handsome Nell, in honor of the village blacksmith's daughter. In 1777, that family moved to Lochlea. In 1778, Robert was fortunate enough to have a summer term of schooling at Kirkoswald. " It is said he ate his meals with Fergusson's poems in one hand and his spoon in the other." (Essay on Burns, 24) Returning to the farm, he composed Poor Mailie's Elegy, Winter, and other early pieces, under a blooming interest to become a poet of the people, or as he put it, "a Scottish bard." In 1784 his father died, and Robert, with his brother Gilbert, moved to Mossgiel, in Mauchline. Most of Robert's best work was accomplished here. At the age of 26, Robert helped his brother out on the farm. Every chance he got, during the day, he would pull his book out of his pocket and begin to read, and think out themes. At night, he would climb up into his attic room, where he would write his thoughts down before going to bed. He wrote ballads, epistles, epitaphs, satires, and dedications. He wrote of winter, spring, and summer, of rivers, braes, and uplands. He wrote of anything, and of everything, that could have ever passed his mind working through those hard days on his farm. One thing that inspired Robert with great esteem is nature, this opens his eyes to great beauty, making his heart and voice express his praises. "There is a true old saying, 'Love furthers knowledge:' but above all, it is the living essence of that knowledge which makes poets; the first principle of its existence, increase, activity. Not

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pro Immigration Essay -- Pros of Immigration, Immigrants

Pro Immigration   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We live in the age where scandalous and controversial topics cover the news headlines. Such subject matters as homosexuality, A.I.D.S, and abortion are fiercely debated upon. Sides are always taken, with the conservatives battling the liberals. One such argument that has always been debated upon since the founding of this nation has been immigration. The fact that it has been argued over for so long makes it seem ironic. A country founded by immigrants perpetually arguing over immigration. The basis of this dispute runs deep and that is what will be discussed in this following paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anti-immigrant sentiments have been circulating since the Alien Act of June 25, 1798 . The Act was the first federal legislation that dealt with the expulsion of aliens in the United States. Another landmark case was the notorious Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. That clause revoked all Chinese immigrants to emigrate to the States for a period of ten years. It is so infamous due to the fact that it was the first bill that discriminated against any one particular race. Restrictions on immigration may seem to have been eradicated from current history but that is an oversight. Even in the "politically correct" society we live in today allows for these discrepancies, for in the Immigration Act of 1990 which brought up controls for immigration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Behind all these legal documents there are reasons that spurred these causes. Certain prejudices against certain races or religion. The prejudices were not always a color issue as the current immigration problems are. In the beginning it was primarily Europeans. In particular the Irish and German were thought of negatively. The percentage of the Irish in the Mid-Atlantic went from 45.9% in 1870 to 48.5 in 1930. Germans in 1870 went from 31.4% to 35.6% in 1930 . The common belief was that the two races were against assimilation. They lived in their own communities and refused to learn the English language. But that belief like all others were false based. After the Germans and Irish started to finally assimilate we needed a new scapegoat. The next were the Italians and Jews, following them were the Catholics. Throughout history there were always someone who got the blame put on them. Lately the blame has been put upon Middle-Eastern, Asians and Hispanics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now that the b... ...ead a better life. Immigrants also by arriving to America they pass on knowledge of their own culture to help unify all the humans. Also by sharing their culture we are able to expand business further into other foreign countries. With the motivation and talent that they possess immigrants are the backbone for the continued growth of our country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My stand on immigration is probably lucid. I am pro-immigration. Being an immigrant myself I have personally felt the hardships and prejudices held against me, simply based on skin color. Immigrants that arrive here usually come with a goal in life - to succeed on it. With that kind of mentality I share the same view as Stephen Moore. Even the undocumented immigrants that seem to be numerous is false, they only constitute roughly 1-1.5% a very small margin to say the least. This country was founded by immigrants, built by immigrants and flourishes because of immigrants. It seems only in dire times that America tries to find a scapegoat to use as a justification of why they are failing, when the truth of the matter is that the fact that we have to blame someone else we have a much more serious problem than we think.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Public Opinion of Police by Different Ethnic Groups Essay

Cooperation from members of the public is important in order for police officers to effectively fight crime within the community. In order to obtain cooperation from members of the public, police officers must gain their trust and confidence. It has been known that African Americans and Hispanics have lower levels of trust and confidence in police because of racial disparities and racial profiling. This paper will discuss the public opinion of police by different ethnic groups and how racial minorities hold lower levels of trust and confidence in police. The paper will further discuss the November 5, 1992 Detroit Police beating of Malice Green and how members of the community perceived police response after the beating. Express your opinion on the topic African Americans and Hispanics have lower levels of trust and confidence in police because of racial disparities and racial profiling. Research has also shown that lower-income African Americans hold negative views of police in general. Cooperation from individuals within the community comes from gaining trust and confidence within the police (Tyler, 2005). The public is more willing to cooperate with police when trust and confidence is at a higher rate (Tyler, 2005). If members of the community do not trust the police system, then they will not use it (Tyler, 2005). Research has shown that Whites and minorities help police in three different ways. The first is by reporting crimes and criminals (Tyler, 2005). The second is by working within their neighborhood to fight crime (Tyler, 2005). And the third is by supporting the disbursement of public resources to the police (Tyler, 2005). In 2002, 1,653 New Yorkers were surveyed in regards to the NYPD and policing activities in their nei ghborhood. Survey questions included: 1.) â€Å"How likely would you be to call the police to report a crime that was occurring in your neighborhood?† 2.) â€Å"How likely would you be to help the police to find someone suspected of committing a crime by providing them with information?† and 3.) â€Å"How likely would you be to report dangerous or suspicious activities in your neighborhood to the police?† (Tyler, 2005) The survey also asked how often the police â€Å"use ethnic slurs against people in your neighborhood,† â€Å"treat people disrespectfully because of their race,† â€Å"abuse people physically because of their race,† and â€Å"bully or intimidate people because of their race?† (Tyler, 2005) Results from the study indicated that respondents who were White had higher levels of trust and confidence in police than minorities (Tyler, 2005). Hispanics confidence in police was intermediate of Whites and Blacks (Tyler, 2005). Racial profiling has been a hot topic recently and has influenced citizen’s perceptions of police. Minorities that been stopped due to racial profiling are more willing to voice their dissatisfaction with the police. Minorities who have not been racially profiled but hear stories about racial profiling ma y be more skeptical of future experiences with police. Research has found that minorities tend to rate officer legitimacy in a more objective manor when stopped by a minority officer (Tyler, 2005). Minorities that are stopped by White officers tend to be more skeptical of the officer behavior (Tyler, 2005). African Americans are the most skeptical of police behavior and especially believe they are treated unfairly when a White officer stops them (Tyler, 2005). Police officers race could be an important factor in improving citizen and officer relations. Having a diverse law enforcement agency can help better develop relationships within the community as well as build trust and confidence, and assist in effective policing by encouraging support and cooperation from citizens of the community. Understanding how officer race can influence the perceptions of police by minorities is very important in today’s society because police organizations have increasingly received complaints for targeting minority drivers during traffic stops (Cochran, Warren, 2012). It has been known that racial profiling is mostly associated with White officers. Data taken from the 2005 Police Public Contact Survey indicated that Black males and females negatively evaluated police behavior when stopped by a White officer, even if the officer provided a good reason to stop them (Cochran, Warren, 2012). If the officer  is a minority, the response received was completely opposite (Cochran, Warren, 2012). With that being said, minority citizens who are stopp ed by a minority officer rate officer legitimately more objectively than if stopped by a White officer (Cochran, Warren, 2012). Research also showed that African Americans have a higher propensity for viewing police behavior as well as the justice systems illegitimate (Cochran, Warren, 2012). Findings in regards to skepticism of police by Hispanic males and females came up invalid. Therefore suggesting that the rift between police and citizens is focused within African American communities (Cochran, Warren, 2012). Include at least one contemporary event as an example to illustrate the main points On November 5, 1992, six white officers and one black supervising officer of the Detroit Police Department had repeatedly punched, kicked, and bludgeoned Malice Green, a Detroit African American resident, who later died because of the injuries (Sigleman, Welch, Bledsoe, & Combs, 1997). Mr. Green’s death was ruled as a homicide by â€Å"blunt force trauma to the head.† All seven of the officers were suspended. The media coverage was so intense and focused, therefore fostering an image of police as antagonistic or unresponsive to African Americans (Sigleman, Welch, Bledsoe, & Combs, 1997). In July 1992 and November 1992, the Wayne State University Center for Urban Studies completed an in-home interview with 1,124 residents in the Detroit area. The survey-contained questions pertaining to the perceptions of how Blacks were treated by police and how quickly did they respond to your calls for help. Results showed that Blacks were more skeptical than whites were on police response to calls for help (Sigleman, Welch, Bledsoe, & Combs, 1997). Blacks were also more suspicious that police would abuse powers during traffic stops (Sigleman, Welch, Bledsoe, & Combs, 1997). Conclusion Research has shown African Americans express the lowest levels of trust within police whereas Whites express the highest level of trust within police and Hispanics are in the middle (Tyler, 2005). Research has also shown that the public is more willing to cooperate with police when trust and confidence is at a higher rate (Tyler, 2005). If members of the community do not trust the police system, then they will not use it (Tyler, 2005). Research has further shown that minority citizens who are stopped by  a minority officers rate officer legitimately more objectively than if stopped by a White officer (Tyler, 2005). References Cochran, J. C., & Warren, P. Y. (2012, May). Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in Perceptions of the Police. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 28(2), 206-227. Sigelman, L., Welch, S., Bledsoe, T., & Combs, M., (1997, December). Police Brutality and Public Perceptions of Racial Discrimination: A Tale of Two Beatings. Political Research Quarterly, 50(4), 777-791. Tyler, T. R. (2005, September). Policing in Black and White: Ethnic Group Differences in Trust and Confidence in the Police. Police Quarterly, 8(3), 322-342.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Educational Development Theories

Understanding human development is considered the key towards maximizing the potentials of every student in the classroom. Developments in various fields, such anthropology, psychology, and biology have contributed largely to reinventing education in the last century. Research is given a central role in shaping â€Å"children’s education and experiences in schools† (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010, p. 4). The advances in related fields and the increasing support from research have prompted educators to be reflective and evaluative about pedagogy and curriculum in an effort to ensure that the best learning environment is provided. In short, teachers now have comprehensive tools to guarantee that no child is left behind. Any child that sets foot into the classroom carries with him/her a myriad of experiences and background; thus, making it essential to perceive the child in relation to the systems and dynamics that surround him/her. â€Å"All areas of development depend on the context of children’s lives—children’s experiences in families, schools, neighborhoods, community organizations, cultural and ethnic groups, and society at large† (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010, p. 5). Learning does not happen in isolation and it is how these various contexts that play out during developmental years that significantly affect his/her experiences in school. To illustrate the impact of context to development a case study is presented in this paper of an eight year old child, Tonya, attending first grade. After a discussion of the student’s classroom behavior, the developmental milestones for her age will be presented. These stages of development will be contextualized with the socio-cultural background of the student. Having created a picture of the circumstances of the student, I will then propose an analysis of the situation of the student drawing from educational development theories. Ethical considerations for the case study will then be discussed, followed by recommendations to improve the schooling and learning outcomes of the student. Tonya literally stood out in her class, not only because she was big for her age, but also because she was older than the rest of the class having been retained in kindergarten. At eight years old, she was attending a first grade class. Tonya was observed to display disruptive behaviors such as bossing and bullying other children, stealing items from others, or talking them into trading their things (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010). The teacher received complaints from both students and parents that she was also stealing food from her classmate’s lunchboxes. Tonya’s behavior can be described as atypical for other children of her age, and required serious attention. The period from six to ten years old is often referred to as middle childhood. There is continued differentiation of fine motor skills, although the growth in height and weight slows down and only picks up later on during the adolescent stage. Development of fine motor skills is reflected in illustrations that are â€Å"organized and detailed and include some depth cues† (Berk, 2009, p. 7). Moreover, such developments allowed for wider range of activities in play, sports and household chores. Often, parents start to build responsibility among their children by assigning them chores at home such as cooking, cleaning, and looking after their siblings. Middle childhood is also a period of active neural developments that manifest in increasing integration of cognitive processes. They are learning to read and write, as well as perform basic mathematical computations (i. e. addition and subtraction). In addition, they are beginning to express themselves creatively. There is also a marked improvement in verbal expressions, and are becoming more aware of the concept of rules with peers and parents. Thus, they are learning to grasp the concepts of cause and effect better. The socio-emotional development of children from six to ten years old is marked by development of emotional states in relation to the people around them. This accompanied by an increasing social network of peers and friends. At this stage, children become more aware of pride and guilt, and are more likely to conform to good behavior. Pro-social behaviors are observed when dealing with peers, especially as they learn to build friendships based on trust and assistance. It can be deduced that at this stage, children start to develop their moral compass and respond to others with sensitivity and better judgment. In the case of Tonya discussed above, it is apparent that the socio-emotional milestone expected for her age group was not been met. Instead of displaying pro-social behavior, she is disruptive in class, and clearly is not developing friendships that are based on mutual trust and assistance. She is actually behaving exactly the opposite. In addition, having been retained in Kindergarten may be a good indicator of some cognitive delays as well. However, physically, she has developed as expected, and has the capacities and skills to perform manual tasks for her age. In fact, the report from the teacher emphasized the point that Tonya had to take care of her three-year old brother before going to school. Knowing Tonya’s family background was the key to helping her curb the problematic behavior in school. Her physical development coupled with the responsibilities she had at home required healthy food and supplement, which was not available for her because her mother had lupus, and her step-father was permanently disabled. Children’s experiences within their families are especially important to their health† (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010, p. 149). Tonya was not provided with essential dietary supplement which triggered her decision to steal food from her classmates. Moreover, although she was entitled to free lunches, she was not aware of this, and there was no adult who facilitated the process of availing this service. Tonya’s behavior severely disrupted the possibility of developing friendships. Her reputation made it difficult to gain the trust and respect of her peers. However, the teacher’s intervention helped Tonya discern what was right and wrong. Tonya responded to the intervention positively, and changed tremendously. Because of the situation at home, Tonya lacked a role model and the constant guidance of the parents to help her maximize her potentials, both cognitively and socio-emotionally. The change in Tonya’s behavior and understanding of the consequences of her actions are good indicators of sound judgment and comprehension skills. It is highly plausible that retention in Kindergarten may have been caused by socio-emotional problems, rather than cognitive difficulties. Drawing ideas from prominent educational theorists, Piaget, Vgotsky and Erickson, can be helpful to facilitate learning for Tonya, and hopefully accelerate her so she achieves the proper grade level for her age. Jean Piaget coined the term â€Å"concrete operational stage† for children ages seven to eleven years old. At this stage, children have developed the concept of â€Å"conservation. † â€Å"The child can think logically about very concrete objects, categories and principles† (Coon & Mitterer, 2010, p. 99). Thus, it is essential for the teacher to pay special attention to Tonya’s development of mathematical skills, and its relation to other subjects, such as science. Once she gains mastery, she will gain confidence as well in performing tasks, and this is essential for her to work towards reaching her expected levels. Providing Tonya with hands-on experiences will further facilitate her learning. Judging from the circumstances that surround Tonya, it is highly challenging for her to successfully develop according to the developmental milestones. As explained by Vygotsky’s (1978) zone of proximal development (ZPD), â€Å"human learning presupposes a specific social nature and a process by which children grow into the intellectual life of those around them† (as cited in Slee, 2002, p. 209). One of the contemporary proponents of ZPD, Wood (1988) further outlines the instructional options for mothers of children between four and five years old: â€Å"(i) general verbal encouragement; (ii) specific verbal instruction; (iii) assistance in choosing materials for a task; (iv) preparing materials for assembly in a task; (v) demonstration† (Ibid). With Tonya’s family background, maternal interaction has been limited, and from her early years, she has missed out on the developmental opportunities. Vygotsky’s (1978) ZPD highlights the role of the adult in facilitating the learning of children. Compared to Piaget however, he approaches the development in a more qualitative, rather than quantitative perspective and is more liberal on the expected abilities of the children. It highlights the role of the adult, and in the case study, Tonya’s teacher to provide the guidance that she is not able to acquire in the home. Furthermore, it will require effort in integrating Tonya in the class considering her past behavior towards her classmates. Vygotsky’s (1978) theory emphasizes the role of adults and peers in the learning of the individual. I consider it meaningful to highlight Erickson’s psychosocial theory because Tonya’s case is hinged on her socio-emotional experiences which have serious implications on her psychological state. At her age, the basic conflict as identified by Erickson is â€Å"industry versus inferiority† (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2010, October). School becomes more formalized, and children have to adjust to the new environment while meeting the demands in academics. Competence is achieved through successful attempts, while failure breeds feelings of inferiority. An eight year old joining a first grade class sets the stage for inferiority, and the teacher must be proactive in creating measures to make Tonya feel competent. Encouraging words and positive reinforcement can help her gain confidence and advance academically. At this point, it is highly important to focus on building her confidence first, so she is able to take risks and work further towards building her competencies. The role of the teacher in assisting students like Tonya always stands out. The teacher becomes the architect who shapes the conditions that will benefit the students more. Going back to the teacher’s narration in this case study, it may be observed that the intervention highly suggested by the principal violates the ethical standards set by the National Education Association. The principal’s suggestion of punishment which consisted of a month without recess not only puts the child in danger, but also becomes an additional cause for further disruptive behavior. The teacher though, may have violated the code as well by disclosing the decision of the principal in published material which has the possibility of causing harm to the principal’s profession. However, the teacher made a wise decision about visiting the family, and examining the conditions before taking any action. Doing so allowed her to find better solutions without compromising the health of the student. It is hoped that the teacher did not give her real name so as not to compromise the school and the principal. Although the problem was resolved, there were still administrative matters that she hopefully handled properly, and exercising due confidentiality.Reference